AI-Generated Misinformation and Disinformation Idea-thon


Help Solve a Major Societal Problem—Bring Your Ideas to Fight Misinformation and Disinformation

AI-generated Misinformation and disinformation pose a significant threat to democracy. They are spread by local/foreign state actors, businesses and malign non-state actors bent on undermining and damaging free and liberty-loving republics. A new grassroots strategy is needed: bottom-up rather than top-down.

That is why Thraets, Outbox Hub and CIPESA are holding an AI Mis/Disinformation Idea-thon session to address the problem and find new solutions. Teams will form to attack misinformation and disinformation from four tracks: government, business/technology, nonprofit, and Foreign Actor. 

Winning team will receive a prize!

Examples of work products include new novel product changes to social media platforms, new methodologies to investigate the trends,  legislation and regulations, a business plan for a tech start-up, a mobile app, an academic course, or a new nonprofit. Be creative!

Technical skills are needed, but not necessary to participate. Just bring your best ideas for combating AI misinformation and disinformation.

A note on AI mis/disinformation  Idea-thon structure and teams: 

The teams will be organized by the primary category their solution falls under: Government, business/technology, nonprofit, and education. 

Coaches: There will be one coach per category, whose role will be to help fill in any knowledge gaps and help the teams best achieve their goal.

Join us for a 2-hours long idea-thon! Come join a team, invite your friends.

Sign up here or Contact Thraets at with questions about the event.